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Master Instructor | Tec 50 Instructor & Advanced Gas Blender

Jess first dived in India in 1998. Having caught the bug she completed her Open Water with Oxford Dive Centre before setting up an independent dive centre (Inspires) with Kim Beaumont. When ODC came up for sale in 2000 she and Kim bought it and began turning it into a successful business. With the sad passing of Kim in 2013, Jess has continued to build the business into the success it is today. Having qualified as an Open Water Scuba Instructor, then Staff Instructor she became a Master Instructor in 2019. Jess has dived all over the world with French Polynesia, Socorro and Galapagos being highlights. Her favourite go to is Marsa Nakari in Egypt no wonder the dive centre runs several trips there each year! Jess is also an Advanced Gas Blender



Staff Instructor | Tec 50 Instructor

Keith began diving in 2003 with Oxford Dive Centre. Other than diving in the UK, his first dive was in the Red Sea. He became an Instructor in 2012 and having passed his Staff Instructor in 2021 he is now looking into becoming a Technical Dive Instructor. Keith’s passion is wreck diving and he has travelled to many places in order to do this, including Scapa Flow and Egypt. Shark diving in South Africa has been a highlight. One of the highlights of learning to dive has been the opportunities the UK has offered – Swanage, Lundy, St Abbs and the Farne Islands. Keith is also a service technician and gas blender.

David (Rawle)

David (Rawle)

Staff Instructor | Tec 50 diver

David’s first experience of diving was in 2008 when he did a Discover Scuba Diver course on holiday. He completed his OW with Oxford Dive Centre in 2010 and since then has become a Staff Instructor. David has a passion for underwater photography and is always keen to learn about new equipment – David will always have the newest bits of kit before anyone else! He has dived in many exotic places including Galapagos, Iceland and the Maldives. Night dives are a favourite of his. David is also one of the gas blending team at the dive centre.



Open Water Scuba Instructor | Tec 45 diver

Sarah learned to dive with Oxford Dive Centre in 2012 and has completed all her training with us. Her first dive abroad was in Hurghada as part of a family holiday and she hasn’t stopped diving since. Sarah has dived in the Maldives, Egypt, Galapagos, South Africa, Socorro and the UK. She particularly likes diving with pelagics – mantas and sharks being her favourites. Her Tec diving has seen her dive the wrecks in Scapa Flow and Egypt. Sarah became an instructor in 2021.



Digital Underwater Photography Instructor | Tec 50 diver

Having tried diving in on holiday in Corfu in 1999 on his return to the UK Chris enrolled in his open water course. On passing he continued gaining experience diving in New Zealand, the Maldives, Egypt and Scapa Flow. Chris became an Assistant Instructor in xxx. Chris’s passion for photography led him to achieving his Instructor’s qualification in underwater photography. Chris is also the dive centre’s Cylinder Service Technician and a gas blender.



Open Water Scuba Instructor | Tech50 and Hollis Rebreather 40

I learnt to dive in the Maldives in 2000 and then did my Advanced a year later in Egypt. My first English dive was in 2009 when I completed my Divemaster. I have very eclectic tastes when it comes to the ocean, enjoying marine life that is both large and minute and also wrecks. I have dived in a few places around the world, some of my favourite experiences being diving with sharks in South Africa,  wrecks in Scapa Flow, the minute marine life muck diving in the Lembeh straits and the mantas and nurse sharks in the Maldives. I enjoy diving as there is always something new to see or learn and also teach.



Open water Scuba Instructor | Master Scuba Diver | Tec 40 & 45

We taught Steve to dive in 2017 when he passed his OW in Vobster Quay. His first dive abroad was in Greece with the family and since then he has dived in Egypt and enjoyed the Maldivian currents. Steve particularly enjoys diving in the UK and can be found in Swanage as often as he can over the summer. Steve is the dive centre’s service technician.

Mark (P)

Mark (P)

Open Water Scuba Instructor | Rescue Diver

Mark completed his first PADI courses in the Red Sea in the early 90's when it was just a row of dive shacks and was immediately hooked. Since then he has dived at every opportunity when near the sea from Europe to the French and Dutch West Indies, The Maldives and Sipidan to name a few. Mark has also been fortunate to dive some of the UK’s great dive sites in fantastic conditions - highlights were the wrecks of Scapa Flow and diving with the seals in the Farne Islands. Mark became an AI in 2022 and is looking forward to completing his Open Water Scuba Instructor qualification this year.



Dive Master

Lisa first dived when she was 13 with the Oxford Dive Centre. She then went on to dive Menorca, Thailand and Egypt. She’s also dived in the UK with her favourite dives being with the Seals in the Farne Islands She’s been a Divemaster with Oxford Dive Centre for 15 years now and still finds it as rewarding as when she started. She is also a black belt in Taekwondo.

David (W)

David (W)

Divemaster | Master Scuba Diver

David first started diving with Oxford Dive centre in 2019 when he did a Try dive with us in the pool. He worked his way up through the qualifications, and obtained the highest qualification in recreational diving which is Master scuba diver. He went on to complete his Divemaster with us in 2022. David also works with Diveability, where he learnt his Adaptive techniques and so now helps students who need additional supportive requirements. David has dived in Mozambique, Maldives and Egypt, and can often be seen diving the wrecks at Swanage.



Divemaster | Master Scuba Diver| Tec 40 & 45

Jamie first started diving when he was on holiday in Thailand in 2019, which is where he achieved his Open water qualification. On his return he came to the Oxford Dive Centre where he then went on to do his Advanced, Rescue and a whole heap of specialities allowing him to become a Master Scuba Diver. He then enrolled on to the Divemaster course, and completed this in 2022. His favourite UK site is Swanage and in particular, the wreck of the Kyarra



Dive Master | Rescue | Tec 40 & 45

Bobbie learned to dive with Oxford dive centre in 2008 and completed all of his diving with us. He did his first try dive in 2008 in Cyprus where he fell In love with diving. He has dived mainly in the Uk but has ventured out to the Red Sea in Egypt Marsa Nakari and then the Maldives. He loves to be down with the sharks and trying to spot the octopus which is always good fun. He became a dive master in 2022. 



Dive Master | Master Scuba Diver | Tec 40 & 45

Yoqtan started diving in 2020 and hasn't stopped since then. Completing his Open Water with Oxford Dive Centre was just the beginning of a rewarding journey of diving, learning new skills, and making good friends over the years. His first dive abroad was in Marsa Shagra (Egypt) and has dived in Mexico and Maldives. At the same time, he also likes to dive in the UK because it has a lot to offer, such as famous shipwrecks and places with a long history. He enjoys deep diving; diving in different environments; and sharing his passion for diving with others.



Dive Master | Master Scuba Diver

Craig first did a try dive in Lanzarote as part of a holiday, but really started diving more regularly when he did his open water with Oxford Dive centre in 2020.   Craig has enjoyed a lot of diving in the UK and abroad including doing his Divemaster mapping project on a B24 liberator plane wreck in Faro. Craig loves wreck diving but is equally as happy playing with octopus in Berlengas or the seals at Lundy. Craig is qualified to both "master scuba diver" and "dive master" levels. Apart from working a divemaster at ODC; Craig is also our primary EFR instructor and EFR Instructor Trainer. 

Mark (E)

Mark (E)

Dive Master | TDI Extended Range Air

Mark learned to dive with Aquarius Diving Centre Didcot in 1993. He continued through the PADI system up to Dive Master after which he diverted his attention to technical diving. First open water dive was from the beach at Chesil in the tropical waters of the English Channel, diving continued in UK waters until 1995 where his first warm water dive took place in the Maldives. Since then after further trips to the Maldives he has dived also in Mauritius, South China Sea, St Lucia, Grenadines, Egypt, and the Mediterranean, along with many more trips to the English Channel, North Sea, and Irish Sea. Favourite diving has to be wrecks.  

David (B)

David (B)

Master Scuba Diver | Trainee Divemaster

David first started diving in Australia in 2007, where he obtained his Open Water qualification. On his return to the UK he came to the Oxford Dive Centre, where he has steadily worked his way through the qualifications and reached his Master Scuba Rating in 2022. He is now one of our trainee Divemasters and hopes to complete this year. David has dived in the Philippines, Mexico and the Maldives amongst other destinations and is a keen UK diver, with a firm favourite being the wrecks of Scapa Flow. The history of the wrecks is Davids keen interest, but his absolute passion is the amazing marine life he sees on his dives.



Trainee Dive Master

Jacek started diving with Oxford Dive Centre in 2020, when he enrolled on to the Open water course. Within a few months he had completed his Advanced course with us and has been climbing the ladder ever since. He is now a trainee Divemaster with us and is hoping to also start going down the technical diving route as he is keen on deep diving and loves all of the additional equipment that comes with deeper dives. He has dived in Mallorca, Tenerife and Greece.



Advanced Open Water Diver

Wendy learned to Dive with Oxford Dive Centre in 2015, followed by her Advanced which she completed in Egypt in 2016, also while in Egypt she completed her Deep Specialty, Her first Dive Holiday was to Egypt, where she was joined by a Turtle who dived some of the way with her, She has also Dived in the Philippines and Corfu. You will see Wendy either poolside organising logistics or providing the ever important role of surface cover at Vobster.

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