PADI Equipment Specialist Course


Exploration beneath the waves should never be compromised by minor equipment mishaps. Don’t let a missing o-ring, torn wetsuit, or broken fin strap prevent you from embarking on your next dive. The comprehensive PADI Equipment Specialist course is designed to equip you with the necessary skills to handle basic repairs and adjustments, ensuring uninterrupted diving adventures. Not only will you become more knowledgeable about your gear, but you will also gain confidence in its functionality, enhancing your ability to maintain and protect your valuable investment.

Undergo an enlightening training experience starting with a thorough review of the theory, principles, and operation of diving equipment. With the guidance of our expert instructors, you will:

  • Acquire essential knowledge on recommended routine maintenance and care procedures for your equipment.
  • Learn proper storage techniques to safeguard your gear.
  • Receive valuable suggestions for achieving comfortable and personalized equipment configurations.
  • Discover the latest advancements in diving equipment, staying up-to-date with the industry’s latest innovations.


To enrol in the Equipment Specialist course, you must be at least 10 years old and hold a certification as a PADI (Junior) Scuba Diver or a higher-level qualification.

Time commitment

6 hours